Clases sociales y renovación del estado en el contexto de la “revolución ciudadana”

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Thomas Chiasson Lebel


This research proposal discusses the challenge of producing a critical analysis of Rafael Correa's development model. Itssumakkawsay (SK) proposal pretends to be new, thus implies the necessity of finding a vantage point which does not reproduce the elements that SK rejects from previous theoretical framework, without nonetheless centering the debate on what should the “real” sumakkawsaybe. This paper proposes an attempt to doso by using tools of political economy with a specific focus on the transformaron of the balance of power between social classes, without the kind of determinism that would lead to deduce the class positions from their economic situation. Such analysisleads to various hypotheses. First, itproposes that the Correa government is no the result or an achievement of popular classes. It rather emerged in a period of weakness both of the popular classes and of the Ecuadorian bourgeoisie, this later being divided along various lines, notably a regional one. It then presents the hypothesis that the transformation of the State should be seen as a recuperaron of the state’s relative autonomy, which in effect produces a weakening of popular classes, while the bourgeoisie’s organizaron are restructuring themselves.


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How to Cite
Chiasson Lebel, T. (2013). Clases sociales y renovación del estado en el contexto de la “revolución ciudadana” . Revista Economía, (102), 123–139. Retrieved from
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