Evolución del concepto y medición en la gestión de la calidad total

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Pilar de Fuentes Ruiz


The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of what the term "quality" means today. It seems that, in spite of the diversity of definitions that have been given, one key idea stands out: quality is not considered to be something intangible. This means that quality is a broader concept than it might seem a priori. In the current context, no one identifies quality on the basis of luxury, complication, size, excellence, brilliance, weight and, above all, on the idea that quality is intangible.


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How to Cite
de Fuentes Ruiz, P. . (1996). Evolución del concepto y medición en la gestión de la calidad total. Revista Economía, (94), 135–160. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/ECONOMIA/article/view/4785
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