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Nancy Medina Carranco
Glenda Marilú Toala Sánchez
Jeaneth Margarita Torres Olmedo
Lourdes Cumandá Montesdeoca Espín


This article presents the levels of anxiety and depression in the workers of the San Roque, Santa Clara and La Floresta markets in the city of Quito, which, in part, are due to the significant economic impact produced in their economy. To carry out this analysis, data was collected by applying a survey to 542 workers from the markets. Anxiety and depression were evaluated by applying specialized, valid and reliable tests. It was found that few merchants presented a severe degree of anxiety and depression; but a serious impact on its economy is also evident.


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How to Cite
Medina Carranco, N., Toala Sánchez, G. M. ., Torres Olmedo, J. M., & Montesdeoca Espín, L. C. (2024). Español. Revista Economía, 76(124), 11–27.
Estudios Socioeconómicos