Behavior of Top Oil and Hot Spot Temperatures in Oil-Immersed Transformers by Means of Electric Vehicle Load Input
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The purpose of the following work is to calculate the top oil and hot spot temperature increases that the 187 MVA power transformer may experience, and to establish the limitations and guidelines within an acceptable level of operation within the IEEE C57. 91-1995, within the study there is a brief exposition of the equations used under the standard used, by means of Matlab code the calculation and study of the different scenarios that the load may have, the text presents the behavior figures under 4 operating conditions such as: normal load, top load, short- and long-term emergency load, through the initial base load profile of the table C.1 of the IEEE C57.91-1995 standard. In addition, the transformer temperature behavior due to the incorporation of distributed generation by means of photovoltaic panels and load increase due to the introduction of electric vehicles to the system is analyzed with reference to the InovGrid project carried out in the country of Portugal.
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