Seismic Behavior and Retrofitting Proposal for Reinforced Concrete Corner Buildings in Portoviejo, Ecuador
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This study analyzes the seismic behavior of medium-rise (4-story) corner reinforced concrete buildings in Portoviejo, Ecuador, and proposes a retrofitting method that combines steel frames with eccentric bracing and masonry overlays. Through an in-situ survey, the typical geometric and architectural characteristics of these buildings were identified, and a representative structural model was developed, to which five modeling approaches were applied to evaluate the seismic response. The results demonstrate that incorporating masonry in structural calculations significantly modifies the stiffness of the system. The proposed retrofitting mechanism enhances the stiffness distribution, mitigates torsional effects, and reduces the required steel reinforcement in concrete elements, thereby increasing the safety and stability of buildings. Although this approach complies with established regulatory limits and presents an effective solution to enhance the lateral strength and stiffness of structures, it is essential to evaluate the optimal proportion between the number of reinforced walls and the contribution of steel eccentric braces. Furthermore, it is recommended to conduct verifications using nonlinear analyses to determine the impact of employing two structural systems on the structural response and to prevent potential issues with inelastic behavior.
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