La política pública y el transporte multimodal: Ejes de desarrollo e integración regional
Public, Multimodal transportAbstract
The strategic importance of public policy with regard to the decision of investment in infrastructure for transportation service - but not the commonly known transport - but that multimodal transport, planned and organized, that enhances the local development and encourages the integration of economic activities which take place in a country, as a crucial issue to secure the growth of the economies of the today’s nations.
The issue of lack of infrastructure for multimodal transport has been a matter of political decision, rather than issues of financing these works, all for reasons opposite the changing, to the understanding that the world is dynamic and global trade accelerates this change. In recent years much has been said of public policy and social development, but how many of those manuscripts have ended in better opportunities for isolated communities are still insolated of productive development - for example the Amazon - and precisely because they are isolated these towns do not have the basic infrastructure in communications. There is a debate on regional integration among countries that share trade relations but the only way to achieve these goals for which many people talk about is having an infrastructure ready to work in the to multimodal transportation service.
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