La polifonía de Platón: de la universidad a la pluriversidad Reforma universitaria y modernización


  • Napoleón Saltos Universidad Central del Ecuador



Polyphony space, Knowledge, Quality, Reform


Today one of the main areas of contention is the field of knowledge and thus, the field of college. The dispute between a mono model, spheres revolving around a center that thinks, monitors and controls. A hierarchical university with centers for the production of knowledge, science, and prescribed by the generator from peripheries. And a polyphonic model that traces the harmony in diversity, even more, looking to spend Harmony convergence. From this dilemma, the dispute over the university moves in three main areas: the role of the university in the new conditions of globalization of the knowledge society, the level of down democratization of higher education quality, and the constitution of the subject of university change.

Author Biography

Napoleón Saltos, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Today one of the main areas of contention is the field of knowledge and thus, the field of college. The dispute between a mono model, spheres revolving around a center that thinks, monitors and controls. A hierarchical university with centers for the production of knowledge, science, and prescribed by the generator from peripheries. And a polyphonic model that traces the harmony in diversity, even more, looking to spend Harmony convergence. From this dilemma, the dispute over the university moves in three main areas: the role of the university in the new conditions of globalization of the knowledge society, the level of down democratization of higher education quality, and the constitution of the subject of university change.


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