La comunidad antagónica: Walter Benjamín y Carl Schmitt en su aproximación al romanticismo alemán


  • Víctor Guerrero Apráez Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá



Romanticism, French revolution, Bolchevist revolution, emancipation, Conservatism


The polemical-intellectual relationship between the work of Walter Benjamin and Carl Schmitt as paradigmatic german thinkers at the beginning of the past century has been an issue particulary contested by both philosophical and political approaches in spite of their radical different paths. Common themes like political theology and the theory of sovereignity, the revolutionary messianism and counterrevolutionary conservatism have been highly debated and passionated thematized. However, their initial encounter with the so called Romantic School in the early eighteenth century which was materialized in two seminal works The concept of critique in the German Romanticism in one side, and Political Romanticism at the other has scarcely received attention in the academic literature. The aim of this article is to contextualize these common approach and attempt to assess the significance and divergence of these common works within their intellectual production and existential trajectories in their historical epoch. 

Author Biography

Víctor Guerrero Apráez, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá

Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y RRII 


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• Phillipe Lacoue-Labarthe y Jean Luc Nancy, L’absolu Litteraire –Théorie de la Littérature du Romantisme Allemand, Seuil, 1978.

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