Caracterización hidrodinámica del acuífero Pusuquí-San Antonio de Pichincha
Pusuquí-San Antonio aquifer, Hydrodynamic flow, GroundwaterAbstract
The use and exploitation of the Pusuquí-San Antonio de Pichincha aquifer exerts in uence on the recharge and water quality, so it is important to characterize it, taking into account that the volcano-sedimentary aquifers present high complexity due to their geology, anisotropy and heterogeneity. During the last decades, the aquifer of Quito has been studied and monitored continuously, emphasizing mainly in the analysis of a possible hydraulic continuity in the Pusuquí, Pomasqui and San Antonio de Pichincha sectors. e objective of this study was to characterize the behavior and functioning of the Pusuquí-San Antonio de Pichincha aquifer, by recognizing the hydrological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical characteristics dominant in the underground ow. e hydrodynamic characterization physically identi ed the aquifer, and determined the preliminary conceptual model, for which research was used such as: drilling, vertical electric soundings and piezometric and chemical monitoring campaigns, in order to correlate the strata, lithologies and hydraulic properties of the aquifer sector with those determined in the Quito aquifer by Muñoz (2005). Likewise, the water quality analysis was carried out, with the objective of capturing the resource for human and domestic consumption.
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