Diseño y construcción de un prototipo de superfi cies equipotenciales como proceso de enseñanza investigativa
equipotential surfaces, constant felds, pedagogical teaching tools, experimental physicsAbstract
Is research aims to show how fundamental it is to design and construct of a prototype oriented for the analysis and inference of principles, laws and applications in the study of equipotential surfaces. To comply with this purpose the theory based on the learning of experimental physics research leading to the construction of new knowledge in the context of the resolution of open problems, (Gil. (D); as well as the conceptualization of constant elds and equipotential surfaces from the approach of a hypothesis as a body: the electric eld vector E has at every point the direction of the normal to the equipotential surface which passes through the point and, during the translation in a segment dl by an equipotential level, the potential does not change. is paper describes the structural and functional elements of the prototype, with also the use of quality materials and low cost; describing the materials used and the precautions that are required for its construction. In addition, it speci es the pedagogical experimental foundations for di erent applications of the prototype as a tool in the elds of physics. e methodology relied on experimental research. e experimental ndings obtained are in the rate of error of 4.64% in the inversely proportional variation of the potential with respect to the distance.
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