Las necrópolis precerámicas del arcaico y el sitio habitacional
necropolis, religious beliefs, domesticationAbstract
Th e necropolis excavated in the current Mariscal Sucre airport in the city of Quito have yielded some important data about the life of the societies that inhabited the Quito Plateau at the end of the period of the Collectors or Archaic Hunters. In this article we present some features about their religious beliefs in regard to life after death, an ideology that in many respects was continued in the Ecuadorian Sierra Norte until the time of contact. For the Northern Sierra in general the material remains of the period under review are we few, so any trace that unveil on these companies is important, in the case of one of the necropolis, located on the site where it will be built infrastructure for the airport Free Zone, could unveil a contemporary home to the necropolis, with a fi re pit and remains of domesticated bean.
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