Corre, y no te detengas que una jauría enardecida pretende darte caza. Una chica trans llamada Gabriela. Gabriel (a), de Raúl Vallejo


  • Alicia Ortega Caicedo


Ecuador, novel, body, violence, trans, transphobia, Quito


Th is raises trial, as a starting point, think about violence suff ered by the protagonist of the novel by Raul Vallejo in the fi eld of what anthropologist Rita Segato feminist called “crimes of patriarchy”. From this defi nition, it is interesting to observe the eff ects of such violence on the bodies of a trans community, there where urban devices of aggression and discipline, aff ective complicities, sex traffi cking and globalization, personal narratives and pharmacological experiences are intertwined in the process transit woman. At the same time, reading attends the confi guration of a narrative complex that accommodates the voices of characters from diff erent areas (geographical, social, personal) agree on the construction of a fi ctional universe crossed by the urgencies of the present.

Author Biography

Alicia Ortega Caicedo

Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador


Butler, Judith. 2006. “Al lado de uno mismo: en los límites de la autonomía sexual”.

En Deshacer el género. Barcelona: Paidós.

Preciado, Beatriz. 2008. “Tecnogénero”. En Testo Yonqui. Madrid: Espasa.

Segato, Rita. 2008. “¿Qué es un feminicidio?”. En Marisa Belausteguigoitia y Lucía Melgar, coordinadoras. Frontera, violencia, justicia: nuevos discursos. México:


Vallejo, Raúl. 1992. “Te escribiré de París”. En Fiesta de solitarios. Quito: El Conejo.

——. 2019. Gabriel(a). Bogotá: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial.



