Science and art: biological singularities

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Édgar Samaniego Rojas


Great conquests of science and art tend to be ignored by the beneficiaries of the huge financial scheme of society. Insted, scien- tists who make great achievements for knowledge and men adaptation, barely participate of their own discoveries. While art is indeterministic and emergent, science is probabilistic and predictable, but both have collapsed to riddle of the universe and its origin or emergence of life. The cumulative and persevering character of science lets it tolerate the mental horrors, that in the past, idolatry imposed in the interpretation of the constants of nature; however, the critical rationalism, with its technical-scientific explosion, made the apprehension of objective reality possible. The artist is not required demonstrate his abstractions, beauty is not exact. The scientist, that doesn ́t link his hypotesis to the causative origin of processes, will turn back to vegetative fabula- tion; science is precise in its results and feasible in its convictions. Art and science, science and creation are bio-singularities underlaying in the conscious evolution of human thought, and only in it.


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How to Cite
Samaniego Rojas, Édgar. (2019). Science and art: biological singularities. Textos Y Contextos, 1(12), 4–9.
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Author Biography

Édgar Samaniego Rojas, Central University

Great conquests of science and art tend to be ignored by the beneficiaries of the huge financial scheme of society. Insted, scientists who make great achievements for knowledge and men adaptation, barely participate of their own discoveries. While art is indeterministic and emergent, science is probabilistic and predictable, but both have collapsed to riddle of the universe and its origin or emergence of life. The cumulative and persevering character of science lets it tolerate the mental horrors, that in the past, idolatry imposed in the interpretation of the constants of nature; however, the critical rationalism, with its technical-scientific explosion, made the apprehension of objective reality possible. The artist is not required demonstrate his abstractions, beauty is not exact. The scientist, that doesn ́t link his hypotesis to the causative origin of processes, will turn back to vegetative fabula- tion; science is precise in its results and feasible in its convictions. Art and science, science and creation are bio-singularities underlaying in the conscious evolution of human thought, and only in it.