Brief overview of contemporary Latin American thought Origins, development and future perspectives

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Richard Alexander Salazar Basantes


The present work tries to offer a panorama of contemporary Latin American thought. It exposes several historical elements which form the basis of this thought, as well as the influence of some ideological projects that altered its composition. It also raises the general perspective of Latin American thought today and, finally, proposes several considerations to broaden the debate on contemporary Latin American thought.


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How to Cite
Salazar Basantes, R. A. (2019). Brief overview of contemporary Latin American thought: Origins, development and future perspectives. Textos Y Contextos, (18), 89–100.
Author Biography

Richard Alexander Salazar Basantes, Educomunicador

Licenciado en Comunicación Social con Énfasis en Educomunicación, Arte y Cultura por la Facultad de Comunicación Social (FACSO) de la Universidad Central del Ecuador (UCE). Ha trabajado en diversos proyectos universitarios como Tercer ojo cine club y Radio púrpura. Actualmente trabaja como redactor en proyectos editoriales e iniciará sus estudios de posgrado en Estudios Culturales en la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar-Sede Ecuador.