Euromaidaners: social action of Ukrainian migrants in Warsaw

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Gawel Walczak


Maidan protests, in 2014, meant a cultural change in the way how Ukrainian society and state could be perceived by the world. Maidan square protests, in 2014, meant a cultural change regarding to how Ukrainian society and state could be perceived by the world. Maidan talked about a narrative of a political community based on values such as civil rights, democracy, solidarity and the Western way of living represented by the European Union. This movement had a strong impact on Ukrainians living in Poland. They acted as both formal and informal groups, as well as individuals. This article is about the civil activities of one Ukrainian migrant foundation, which was seen by local authorities and other non-governmental organizations as institutional representatives of the whole Ukrainian community. It determines Ukrainian migrants’ impact on Warsaw´s local life, focusing on the domain of non-governmental organizations and their roles and interaction with other social actors.


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How to Cite
Walczak, G. (2020). Euromaidaners: social action of Ukrainian migrants in Warsaw. Textos Y Contextos, 1(19), 57–70.
Author Biography

Gawel Walczak

Licenciado en Antropología Cultural, estudiante de doctorado en el Instituto de Estudios Sociales de la Universidad de Varsovia. Tiene experiencia en proyectos sociales con migrantes y refugiados, educativos y de investigación. Ha trabajado en varias organizaciones no gubernamentales e instituciones culturales. Ha publicado varios artículos sobre migraciones, cooperación para el desarrollo, refugiados ambientales y asociaciones de migrantes.


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