Symbolic violence and representation of women in television fiction

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Laura García Díaz


The objective of this work will be to analyze the symbolic violence exercised against women in television fiction. To do this, we will start from the contributions of Simone de Beauvoir regarding the alterity of women in stories and myths to verify that they have always been defined as "others" and we will point out that this has also been transferred to the world of television. We will see that the cinematographic stories have been translated into an exercise of symbolic violence against women since, for a long time, they were only represented by the archetype of good woman or misguided woman. The importance of this type of stories will be pointed out not only because they are a reflection of society, but also because of the influence they exert on the lifestyles of those who consume them. Finally, we will see that the emergence of on-demand content platforms and the notable increase in productions that they have brought with them, have contributed regarding the change in the content that is generated. For this reason, we will conclude by providing some examples of television series that allow us to observe a change in the way in which women are represented and perceived in series.


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García Díaz, L. (2022). Symbolic violence and representation of women in television fiction. Textos Y Contextos, 1(25), e3823.


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