Entre la supervivencia y la resistencia: Análisis del escenario de riesgo alto que enfrentan lideres defensores de derechos humanos en los Montes de María, después de la firma de los acuerdos de paz entre la guerrilla de las FARC y el gobierno colombiano
Main Article Content
The following research aims to identify the factors that keep latent the threat that looms over human rights defender from the municipalities of María la Baja, San Jacinto, Carmen de Bolívar and San Juan Nepomuceno, belonging to the region of the Montes de María in the department of Bolívar, and to issue public policy recommendations in order to achieve comprehensive progress in measures aimed to mitigate the threat that looms over human rights defender. This research arises from the need to face the risk scenario warned by the Ombudsman since 2014, and reiterated by it in 2019 and 2020, where the persistence of the armed conflict in those territories is evidenced, under modalities that tend to be confused with actions of common crime. With the study of the results of our research, divided into seven categories of analysis, we will see that the current transition scenario resulting from the negotiation between the National Government and the FARC-EP, focused on surrendering arms and entering the politic arena of this insurgent group, has brought important changes in the local dynamics of the Montemarian territory, where a reconfiguration of the armed conflict has been evidenced, corroborated by the presence of illegal groups up in arms in the territories, which promote systematic attacks on social leaders as a means to destructure and dissolve the organizational processes of an entire group.
Article Details
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