Political power drifts and its dispersion: rebellion and counter- power

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César Miguel Sandoval Laurrabaquio Alvarado


This paper makes a critical analysis of the term counter-power in Luis Villoro's political philosophy. The concretion of this term implements a theoretical perspective for the interpretation of social phenomena whose subjects are the native peoples and their ethical-political praxis. From this horizon, it is possible to propose a look at the sociocultural and political reality of native peoples. In the first part, the meaning of counter-power in the philosophy of Luis Villoro is reconstructed. In the second part, the derivations of counter-power are compared with those of John Holloway's term anti-power, testing the scope of both conceptions. Finally, the examination of counter-power in contrast with the ethical-political conceptions of the Mayan communities of Mexico is recovered, where the proposal of a political analysis of the native peoples is articulated. The method used is discourse analysis, from the political philosophy as a framework of understanding.


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How to Cite
Laurrabaquio Alvarado, C. M. S. (2023). Political power drifts and its dispersion: rebellion and counter- power. Textos Y Contextos, 1(26), e4148. https://doi.org/10.29166/tyc.v1i26.4148


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