Cultural identity and its expressions in the development of tourism in Pedernales, Manabí
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The cultural identity of a people is a set of traditions, beliefs, rites, legends, music, dance, handicrafts, gastronomy and others, which achieved something of their own having the power to identify a culture. When approaching the study of cultural identity, it forces to evaluate the new ideas of own value of the inhabitants of the Pedernales canton. The main objective of this study allows explaining and understanding one's own identity, through the recognition of social and historical memory in the diversity of its interpretations, being carriers of information and knowledge. The modality of this research is based on a Field Research, whose study method was both empirical (observation, survey and interview) and documentary (synthetic, analytical, deductive and inductive), under a study sample of 464 people. As a result, it was obtained that seven cultural manifestations were identified as material and immaterial cultural identity of the Pedernales Canton, where it is limited that the representation of the Middle of the World Monument plays an important role for the pedernalinos, having more than 200 years of existence. historical relevance for the country and the canton. Finally, a proposal was prepared for a "Strategic Program for the strengthening of cultural identity in the Pedernales canton", to enhance the sense of belonging of the urban and rural population; under the execution of various activities that can develop experiences with a high degree of satisfaction and learning, and can be applied professionally and in turn regenerate the tourist development of the canton.
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