The role of narrative journalism and its narratives of interculturality within the digital age of immediacy.

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Paula Espinosa


This article examines the content of three digital media outlets that have embraced narrative journalism as a format to challenge the informative conventions of the digital age of immediacy. Nine articles, including chronicles and reports, from the media outlets Bagre Digital Magazine, Mundo Diners Magazine, and GK are analyzed. These outlets have addressed interculturality through the narrative richness allowed by the so-called long-form journalism. Additionally, through a literature review on the characteristics of narrative journalism, journalism in the digital age, and the role of journalism in reporting on interculturality, the article aims to establish initial insights into the role of narrative journalism in the digital age of immediacy. In the case of interculturality, it explores how this approach contributes to the representation of cultural encounters and clashes in our country.


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Espinosa, P. (2024). The role of narrative journalism and its narratives of interculturality within the digital age of immediacy. Textos Y Contextos, 1(28).


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