Ten steps to write a chronicle

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Roque Rivas Zambrano


My book "Journalistic Chronicle: Urban Duendes" describes one of the closest names to literature, which has become fundamental for the construction of narrative journalism. In this manual, built with the options of renowned writers from Latin America and the world, journalism students or reporters found some keys to enrich
their stories.




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How to Cite
Rivas Zambrano, R. (2014). Ten steps to write a chronicle. Textos Y Contextos, (15), 5–17. https://doi.org/10.29166/tyc.vi15.713
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Author Biography

Roque Rivas Zambrano, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Docente de la Facultad de Comunicación Social de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Es editor nacional del diario La Hora. Recibió el premio nacional de Prensa (1997) entregado por la Unión Nacional de Periodistas y la condecoración al mérito laboral entregado por el Ministerio del Trabajo.