Mercedes plays her destiny in the ecuavoley

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Edwin Alcarás


Pedro, the Rocky, is challenging the Puyoso. He looks at it with complicity. Burning the air with your eyes. The others around him silently wait for an ingenious rudeness, an elegant insult, or at least a funny grimace. But he only says: "Move, do not be maricon, you're going to change some ladies." The others whistle-silted-and Puyoso has no choice. That embarrassed resignation, that false humility, means that the covenant is sealed. The Rocky is going to place, the Puyoso will serve and the Chuqui will be flying


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How to Cite
Alcarás, E. (2014). Mercedes plays her destiny in the ecuavoley. Textos Y Contextos, (15), 51–55.
Investigación original
Author Biography

Edwin Alcarás, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Docente en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Ha sido profesor invitado de literatura extranjera en la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. Como periodista y escritor, es crítico de cine en la revista Zoom.