Pedro Jorge Vera On chronicler who fought against injustices power

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Gabriel Flores Flores


Chaotic 1914 was the scene of his birth. While in Europe the First World War began, in the country Leonidas Plaza Gutiérrez, a liberal president, yielded to Colombia territories that ran from the Caquetá River to the Putumayo. Son of Alfredo, lawyer, and of Leonor, granddaughter of the scholar José Plutarco Vera, first director of the Municipal Library of Guayaquil. His parents decided to call him Pedro Jorge. A child with a timid countenance who would find in the books a refuge, but also an incentive for life. During his afijos of basic education pilgrim by some schools: Tomas Martinez, Guayaquil, Vicente Rocafuerte ... In this last one gave his first social fights and it was pronounced in favor of the exit of the rector Abel Gilbert Pontoon



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How to Cite
Flores Flores, G. (2014). Pedro Jorge Vera: On chronicler who fought against injustices power. Textos Y Contextos, (15), 73–75.
Investigación original
Author Biography

Gabriel Flores Flores, Periodista

Máster en Literatura Hispanoamericana y Ecuatoriana por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Es redactor de cultura de El Comercio. Escribe artículos literarios para la revista Familia y el semanario Líderes. Fue coordinador de la revista Hoy Domingo.

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