El extractivismo y la violación de los derechos básicos

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Édgar Isch L


The fundamental rights of populations and nature are threatened by extractivism, which, due to its characteristics, is linked to violent processes of dispossession, repression and criminalization of social protest. The political decision to promote extractivism, including mega-mining projects, is based on a set of myths that are denied by research and the experience of many Raíces, including Ecuador, with results that demonstrate that it is what is sacrificed than what is received. In our own oil history, we must consider the disappearance of two indigenous peoples as one of the effects of extractive production, from which we end up dependent as has happened on agricultural monoculture production for export. The costs of extractivism are greater if it is recognized that, at the same time, it destroys other real possibilities of promoting human and sustainable development. For this reason, social resistance is justified and explains the decision of Costa Rica and Argentine provinces to declare themselves free from large-scale or open-pit mining.


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How to Cite
Isch L, Édgar. (2018). El extractivismo y la violación de los derechos básicos. Textos Y Contextos, 1(13), 46–57. https://doi.org/10.29166/tyc.v1i13.951
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