Stigma and Discrimination Against Cis and Transwomen Engaged in Sex Work in Peru




Stigma, Discrimination, Trans Women , Sex Work, HIV, Drug Use


Few studies have analyzed the phenomenon of stigma and discrimination among cis and trans women engaged in sex work in Peru from a cross-sectional perspective. Therefore, this exploratory descriptive study conducted in Peru is one of the few that has focused on the cross-sectional nature of the phenomenon of stigma and discrimination among cis and trans women who engage in sex work not only in matters of health, especially in relation to HIV, but also in other areas of their lives. The methodology used included a focus group and semi-structured interviews with a total of nine participants to explore situations of stigma and discrimination suffered by cis and trans women engaged in sex work both in Metropolitan Lima and in the provinces. The interview focused on 7 sub-themes: (1) access to justice; (2) access to work; (3) access to education; (4) access to health; (5) situations of stigma and discrimination at the individual, household, and community levels; (6) interventions or strategies to reduce stigma and discrimination; and (7) access to basic services. The results show that all cis and trans women sex workers who participated in the study have experienced stigma and discrimination in different areas of their lives, to a greater or lesser degree. Likewise, the level of cross-sectionality between different key populations (trans women who engage in sex work, living with HIV, and/or who use drugs) may translate into a double or triple vulnerability to situations of stigma and discrimination in the areas explored throughout this study.


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How to Cite

Mangelinckx, J., Brivio Grill, F., & Lescano, R. (2023). Stigma and Discrimination Against Cis and Transwomen Engaged in Sex Work in Peru. Revista Ciencias Sociales, 1(45), 31–46.