Relaciones sur-sur en el contexto de los nuevos patrones en las relaciones norte-sur y la cooperación internacional
Globalization, international commerce, direct foreign investment, gap between rich and poor, triade, BRISCS, ALBA, global forums, fair commerceAbstract
From the perspective of big multinatlonals, globalizatlon is working, commerce grows more than production, south regions have seen increasing their participation in worldwide commerce and direct foreign investments in them has increased. On the other hand, we find that the number of rnalnourished people has increased, the gap between rich and consolidates: the 40% of the poorest worldwide population only receives the 5% percent of the global income and the 20% of the richest population obtains the 75%.
Sub-Saharan Africa is the most dramatic example: poverty, illiteracy, civil fights, environmental demands, inflexible economies, which depends on only one product and drain of resources: in 2002, aid flows toward Africa represented $3.2 milliard, meanwhile, financia! flows from Africa went almost $10 milliard. (Bond 2005)
The triad USA, EU and Japan has governed the worldwide system, but they begin to propose new power centers like BRICS or the latinamerican integration, which only want renegotiate the march of capitalism. At the same time, a movement of movements, the global forums, pretends a "face down"globalization.
There are changes in the internacional cooperation with the emergence of not traditional donors, new multilateral organisms like the ALBA, and the relationships "person to person" like the movement of fair commerce and religious networks, especially in Muslim countries.
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