Construcción de las relaciones sur-sur en América Latina y El Caribe

Integración estatal y zapatismo


  • Gilberto López y Rivas
  • Nayar López Castellanos


South Relations, Other world is possible, Latin America


In Latin America and in the Caribbean is taking place a political recenfiguration process, which initiated surprisingly in 1994 with the Zapatista irruption in Mexico, and around the world. On the other hand, it is the region that an international leve! experiments the reconfiguration of the south-south relationship in a more intense way.

The ALBA- TCP project and the regional activism of the Venezuelan govemment have had the capability of enlarge the political debate about integration and their relationship with the economic and social development, allowing, this way, more progressive and sovereign visions. In particular, the ALBA-TCP has favored to the social agenda and the treatment of the before ignored asymmetries, and to demonstrate the potential of the "south-scuth" cooperation. This is the case of the relationships between China and the south countries, especially Latin America.

There is a convergence between the Chinese and Russian capitalist expansionist processes, with the sovereign intentions and attempts of Latin American and Caribbean governments. lndeed, today there are in this region multiple mechanisms of political, economic, social, cultural and military cooperation and integration that maybe were not imaginable during the XX century, when cold war logic ruled.

Since the intergalactic encounter against Neoliberalism organized by the Zapatlstas in "Selva Lacandona", a trend to unify light spaces in a national and international level is being conformed. These processes divert in the construction of a national indigenous movement and in the World Social Forum slogan "Another world is possible".


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How to Cite

López y Rivas, G. ., & López Castellanos, N. (2024). Construcción de las relaciones sur-sur en América Latina y El Caribe : Integración estatal y zapatismo. Revista Ciencias Sociales, (34), 123–136. Retrieved from

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