Proyecto de integración regional emancipador o proceso de regeneración capitalista
Emerging economies, BRICS, UNASUR, Neo brazilian imperialismAbstract
After the ancient world order crisis, the failure of an unipolar world
project has been confirmed by the appearance of emerging economies and
new regional blocks. A special importance has had the BRICS and the Sotuh
America integration since UNASUR, which pretends, in function of political
unity, a Free Commerce Zone (ZLC) enlarged.
The integration has favored not only the commerce, but also the
employment. However, it has multiple problems. One of them is the asymmetries
between big countries like Brazil or Argentina and the little ones.
Therefore, in the "Mercosur", the majority of regional exportations, in particular of manufactures, come from the first ones. At the same time, the economic stability of the region to the worldwide crisis, has had like a support the massive exportations of commodities, especially of food, not processed mining and oil. This situation has contributed the re- primarization of local economies, while it has erased the possibility of new productive perspectives.
Brazil has played a decisive role in MERCOSUR, UNASUR and in the economic and politic Latin American sovereign and its security. In that way, the resurrection of the projects of the old IIRSA and the increasing role of the Social and Economic Development National Bank of Brazil (BNDES), make glimpse the validity of a neo Brazilian imperialism. Brazil encourages the internationalization of the private capital and the
Brazilian investments in the countries of the regions in arder to create cornmercial flows and assume a more important role in the world market. At the same time, the Brazilian government reinforces the penetration of their enterprises with the objective they act as regional multinationals.
Furthermore, Brazil has designed a defense strategy that converts it in the South American military base wich increasing sale of weapons to the other Latin American councries and a great superior warlike.
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