Why must the Central University organize a Faculty of Social and Human Sciences?


  • Fernando Sempértegui Ontaneda Central University of Ecuador


University, social sciences, humanities, Central University, postmodernity


Having obtained the approval for the creation of the new Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, we must reflect on its importance and transcendence within the Central University of Ecuador. Beyond formal liberal democracy, a truly democratic system depends on the university to preserve and enrich democracy, and vice versa, because in democracy the university fights for its survival. Latin American public universities face the imperative challenge of defining themselves before their society to achieve the most genuine expression of freedom: our life projects, individually and collectively. To this end, universities must promote a re-direction of science, since criticism has been misdirected to research methods and techniques and not to the social mechanisms that mark the directionality of scientific research. The knowledge generated by the university, in line with it, must be positioned as a public good, necessarily having to assume its responsibility to participate in politics with relevant and timely applied knowledge. Finally, the role of this new faculty and its careers is the preservation and critical construction of memory, which necessarily implies, at the same time, to reflect on its historical development.


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Author Biography

Fernando Sempértegui Ontaneda, Central University of Ecuador

Quito, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Sempértegui Ontaneda, F. (2018). Why must the Central University organize a Faculty of Social and Human Sciences?. Revista Ciencias Sociales, 1(38), 15–20. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/CSOCIALES/article/view/912



Ciencias Sociales y Universidad