Debate on the draft for th e Agrobiodiversity, Seeds and Agroecological Promotion Act
Agroindustry, seeds, transnational corporations, food sovereignty, countryside, ruralAbstract
This article problematizes the correlation of forces in favor of agribusiness in a context in which the world food system is increasingly
controlled by transnational corporations. Thus, despite discursive elusions, Ecuador’s agrarian and rural economy revolves around the
interests of private companies, both foreign and national, with their vertical linkages and their links with political and financial power.
Given this scenario, the new Laws that are being proposed everywhere to regulate seeds are presented by governments as instruments
to solve mainly the problems of productivity and competitiveness in the field. However, the central objective is to guarantee commercial
farmers access to high-yielding varieties, regardless of their origin or environmental impact, and to provide the private sector with the
responsibility for producing and marketing strategic seeds. It conceals food slavery in the name of food sovereignty.
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