Neuroeconomía Reflexiones sobre la Economía del Conocimiento

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Marco Tafur S.


Worrying about the structure and functioning of the human brain is possibly the most important challenge of that gigantic human work called SCIENCE, especially when experts say that barely 10% of the brain's functioning is known. "And this lack of knowledge is also the great paradox of that same Science because it is through the functioning of the brain that we build how much we know about what surrounds us and about ourselves" (Francisco Mora; 2004: 1); a thesis with which we fully share. Today, with the scientific-technological progress, it is known that the human brain is the final product of a complex organic process that took more than 500 million years. In this respect, Oparin brilliantly exposes the theory of life from a scientific point of view.


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How to Cite
Tafur S., M. (2011). Neuroeconomía : Reflexiones sobre la Economía del Conocimiento. Revista Economía, (101), 69–86. Retrieved from
Estudios Socioeconómicos