Organizational Practices Generating Work Overload in the Administrative Staff of a Public Hospital and Prevalence of Burnout Symptoms
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In this article, the objective is to identify the organizational practices that affect the work overload of the
administrative staff of a public hospital and the prevalence of Burnout Symptoms. Methods. The design
is mixed (quali-quantitative), the sample was made up of nine administrative professionals from a public
health house; For data collection, a semi-structured interview was used to identify the conditions that
generated work overload and, through the application of the Maslach questionnaire, the prevalence of
Burnout Syndrome was determined. Results. We worked with all collaborators in the administrative area
with prior authorization. Given the shortage of personnel, several health professionals perform administrative activities. Administrative assignments predominate in personnel who do not have job stability.
It was found that there is a tendency to suffer from Burnout Syndrome in the total population studied.
Conclusion. Organizational and administrative weaknesses that generate work overload with a tendency
to develop Burnout Syndrome were evidenced. The additional tasks directly affect the fulfillment of
activities and limit the effective response in their work. This information revealed shortcomings in the
prevention of psychosocial factors. The various requirements made by the higher level require working
at a high pace during the day, even outside normal hours
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