Evaluation of the Operating Status of Power Transformers Submerged on Oil on Electrical Substations

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Jaime Maquilón
Adan Bastidas
Carlos Chávez


This investigation details the Evaluation of the Operational State of Power Transformers immersed in oil in Electrical Substations. The study was carried out on the transformer13, TEKSA 24-30 MVA, SN: T130201-1 in the Villa Club Substation where the power transformer immersed in oil was evaluated using the regulations corresponding to the applicable procedures for optimal operation in electrical substations. . 

The different physical-chemical tests and analyzes and gas chromatography were considered for the evaluation through a sequential process of execution according to the current Ecuadorian technical standard INEN 2111:2013, for the optimal operation of the power transformers, in addition, it is proposed to diagnose initial failures by means of a standardized document to compare the useful life of power transformers immersed in oil in electrical substations with the current standard. The results of this publication vary according to the tests, however, due to the working conditions in all the tests, several results were maintained on the transformer conditions.

Power transformers, during normal operation, and in particular during an electrical fault, power transformers are subjected to electrical, mechanical and thermal stresses. Therefore, it is important that electricity concessionaires periodically carry out tests on their power transformers, in order to assess their condition, schedule maintenance work and plan their replacement.


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How to Cite
Maquilón , J., Bastidas, A., & Chávez, C. (2022). Evaluation of the Operating Status of Power Transformers Submerged on Oil on Electrical Substations. INGENIO, 5(1), 22–33. https://doi.org/10.29166/ingenio.v5i1.3608


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