Eco-friendly concrete pavers made with Silica Fume and Nanosilica Additions
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The present research analyzes the influence of the use of silica fume and nanosilica particles as a
partial substitute of cement on the physical-mechanical properties of concrete pavers. For this purpose, silica fume was replaced with rates of 5%, 10%, and 15%, and nanosilica in percentages of 1%, 1.5% and 3% by cement weight, and in a final stage a combination of both materials with percentages of the optimal results obtained for each one. The use of 15% of silica fume, 3% nanosilica and the combination of both materials, resulted in an increase in compressive strength by 28%, 12% and 23%, respectively in comparison with the control mix. In addition, it was understood that the simultaneous use of these materials positively influences the qualities of concrete as well as its single use. The concrete pavers with optimal percentages and their combination, subjected to the tests established in the NTE INEN 3040: 2016 standard, obtained very satisfactory results. Finally, it was concluded that the additions of silica fume and nanosilica particles in substitution of cement, allows to obtain concrete pavers with better performance both for mechanical resistance and durability and constitute a viable alternative for the manufacture of a new type of concrete pavers that contributes to reuse of alternative materials, by-products of industrial processes, generating an environmental benefit.
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