Comparison of Bonded Shear Strength of Composite Slabs as a Function of Experimentally Obtained M and K Parameters Versus Existing Equations
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For the proper performance of composite slabs, the interaction between concrete and the steel plate is crucial. The shear adhesion strength allows us to understand the behavior and capacity of the system against a longitudinal slip failure mode. However, at the national level, the evaluation of the performance and adhesion capacity of these slabs against shear forces is scarce. In this context, an experimental study is presented on composite slabs with a 1 mm thick sheet metal, whose objective is to evaluate their physical-mechanical behavior. Using a linear regression analysis applied to the data obtained in laboratory tests, the parameters "m" and "k" are determined. For the development of the tests, eight specimens were prepared, strictly following the guidelines established in international standards. These specimens were divided into four sets, each consisting of two samples, maintaining a similar configuration and using the thickness of the concrete layer as an experimental variable. The results obtained in the tests allow us to determine the shear capacity of the slabs and compare it with the values provided by the manufacturers. These results seek to be relevant for engineers and manufacturers in the face of the scarcity of information and studies on the subject.
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