Experiencia etnoeducativa en la institución educativa rural bilingüe artesanal kamëntŝá, valle del Sibundoy, Colombia


  • Omar Jacanamejoy-Juajibioy Universidad de Nariño, Pasto-Colombia
  • Lilia Concepción Juajibioy Jamioy Institución Educativa Rural Bilingüe Artesanal Kamëntŝá, Sibundoy-Colombia
  • Hilbert Blanco-Álvarez Universidad de Nariño, Pasto-Colombia




ethnoeducation, cultural curriculum, ethnomathematics


Th is article presents the ethno-educational experience of the Bilingüe Artisanal Kamëntŝá Rural Educational Institution located in the Sibundoy Valley, PutumayoColombia. In the fi rst part, the constituent elements of the institution’s curriculum are exposed, then the diffi culties in the implementation of an education that takes into account the cultural elements of the Kamëntŝá indigenous community are presented, later some learning obtained in a process of more than 20 years. Finally, the experience of teaching school mathematics and the problems that arise when trying to study the ethnomathematical elements of culture are exposed


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