Inserción de la etnomatemática en la formación docente en la educación superior ecuatoriana
ethnomathematics, praxis, theory, didactics, heuristicAbstract
Ethnomathematics as a new look of mathematics involves its dimensions: cognition, conceptualization, education, epistemology, history and politics, which implies a change in the traditional educational paradigm. For this work, conceptual and historical instances are considered primordial, without prejudice to addressing the other dimensions. Mathematics Education in Ecuador has been assuming curricular contents emanating only from the Eurocentric source, not even the analysis of the spatio - temporal status of the generation of mathematical concepts has been considered, even worse, the knowledge has not been incorporated emanating from the pre-Hispanic root. Th e present work proposes to insert ethnomathematics in teacher training through critical historical content, making comparisons, analogies and contrasts between the diff erent places, environments and temporalities of mathematical development. Th e contents have been chosen based on diff erent readings and approaches to our Latin American reality. It is presented in the form of a methodological proposal with a preliminary statistical analysis, contemporary conceptualizations and a proposal of didactic activities, as a result of responding to the need to face the problem of poor mathematical education through the inherent sociocultural, epistemic and philosophical considerations to paradigms concerning ethnomathematics.
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