Aproximación a la realidad aumentada y virtual como herramienta didáctica pedagógica: Tecnología con un enfoque a las etnociencias
education, technology, virtual reality, augmented reality, ethnosciencesAbstract
Technology and education must advance at the same time, therefore, it is necessary to adapt these concepts to the teaching process of students of future generations, but without losing the concept of what education really is and its proper use through technologies. Th ere is a new trend in educational technology that encompasses two instances, known as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, Th e recompilation of experiments in diff erent important institutions demonstrates the success of this trend in the fi eld of education and its potential integration with ethnosciences, however are little known and used by teachers today, especially in our environment, therefore it is necessary to know its use and benefi ts, in addition to educational applications, generating a culture that uses these tools for the benefi t of society.
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