Los nuevos imperialismos y las luchas por la paz


  • Saltos Galarza Napoleón Universidad Central del Ecuador




Imperialism, National-State, War, Peace, Peoples


Th e text deals with the transmutations of late capitalism, from two perspectives, structural changes and modifi cations of inter-imperialist contradictions, and the domination of peoples. In the fi rst aspect, we are not in the transition phase, but in a previous time, marked by the decadence of world capitalism, but with the absence of an alternative utopian horizon, although we can locate antisystemic seeds from the resistance of peoples and experiences partial We are
facing the extreme forms of liberal modernity, which concludes the process of estrangement of the individual subject, now with himself, in a posthumanism, which has as a dystopian horizon artifi cial intelligence and cynical rationality. In the second aspect, the paradox is the presence of a kind of “ultra-imperialism”, with the extreme concentration of wealth and new forms of poverty, exclusion and disposability of peoples and continents; but with the intensifi cation of inter-imperialist contradictions. We face imperialisms, in the plural. Th e expectation of the “end of history” and the triumph of the West, after the Fall of the Wall, was not fulfi lled, but we entered into a phase of wars and confl icts on diff erent scales. It is not a reissue of the “Cold War” between two poles, but a complex process: the contradiction between the North-South axis, led by US imperialism in relation to the traditional US-EU-Japan powers , and the East-West axis, led by the China-Russia alliance in relation to the BRICs; and the presence of contradictions  within each pole between globalist-fi nancial dynamics and nationalist-postindustrial dynamics.
Th e end of the Westphalian order and the weakening of the nation-states, is combined with the emptiness of a world state, which tries to be taken over by the North American imperialism, as world guardian, based on a war strategy and the reinforcement of tendencies of new arms races. In the relationship with the peoples of the South, the main modifi cation of the new imperialisms is in the devices of “accumulation by dispossession” and in the delegation of civil wars framed in geopolitical disputes, with dynamics of emptying of the national states. With this, the borders of wars and the hot spots of confl icts are located in the interweaving of three dynamics: the control of the fi ve strategic monopolies, mainly linked to traditional income and technological income; civilizational-religious-ethnic confrontations; and geopolitical disputes. Th e fi nal question is about the paths of peace from the people and from the South: negotiations or surrenders, resistance and disconnections, ethical-political struggles.


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