Filmar Malvinas: Apuntes sobre la guerra de Malvinas en el cine argentino contemporáneo


  • Ezequiel Fernández Universidad del Cine, Buenos Aires



Malvinas/ Falklands war, Argentinean cinema, War film, Literature


Th is article aims to analyze and think about the recurrence of war genre on the representation of Malvinas/ Falklands war in the contemporary
Argentinean cinema. Th e feature fi lms Soldado argentino solo conocido por Dios, Malvineitor and Teatro de guerra are proposed as objects of study, both
in a cinematographic and literary way, based on the theoretical basis and analytic tools suggested in Esto es la guerra, pibe: El cine bélico en la representación
de la Guerra de Malvinas. Based on the hypothesis that the war genre presents all sorts of resistance to taking roots in cinematographic narration, we will look
for similarities and diff erences with fi lms prior to 2018 so as to categorize and understand the state of the current argentinean cinema.


Altares, Guillermo (1999). Esto es un infi erno: Los personajes del cine bélico. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Fernández, Ezequiel (2018). Esto es la guerra, pibe: El cine bélico en la representación de la Guerra de Malvinas. Buenos Aires: Universidad del Cine/
Kohan, Martín (1999). “El fi n de una épica”. Buenos Aires. Punto de Vista N° 64.
Langford, Barry (2003). Film Genre: Hollywood and Beyond. Edinburgo: Edinburgh University Press Ltd.

