El origen de nuevas especies


  • Oswaldo Báez Tobar


speciation, allopatric, parapatric, stasipatric, sympatric


Th e biological diversity of the Earth is expressed in innumerable species. Th e species are populations of similar organisms that reproduce among themselves, have their own individuality and share a common genome. Th e formation of new species is known in biology as: speciation. Th e purpose of this article is to specify the diff erent types, modes and mechanisms of the formation of new species while analyzing the causes and factors that favor this genesis. Speciation has been classifi ed according to several criteria; In this work the criterion of the geographic distribution of the populations that originates new species is considered: allopatric, parapatric, stasipatric and sympatric speciation, in addition to the subtypes, causes and intervening factors. According to the biological concept, the species are groups of natural populations capable of crossing each other and that are reproductively isolated from similar ones; For this reason, it is necessary to describe the mechanisms of precigotic and postcigotic reproductive isolation that maintain the biological individuality of the species, allow the gene fl ow to be conserved only among members of the same species and prevent reproduction between organisms of diff erent species. Speciation implies the origin and consolidation of the mechanisms of reproductive isolation, because they play a decisive role in the formation of new species. Th e work includes a brief epistemological analysis of the speciogenic processes in order to support the construction of the general theory of speciation.

Author Biography

Oswaldo Báez Tobar

Universidad Central del Ecuador


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