La nueva parodia: sobre la evolución del discurso paródico en el cine


  • Joaquín Chazarreta


parodic speech, horror movies, film genres, parody


Th is article is an analysis of the modalities of parodic discourse in horror movies. As the title indicates, its object of study revolves around the parodic discourse - its origins, characteristics and time of appearance, both in the cinema and in literature - and, more specifi cally, its operation within the genre of terror. From this analysis, it was sought to give an account of the ways in which the parody indicates and promotes certain necessary adjustments for the evolution and survival of the genders, triggering the opening and closing of sensitivities and even giving rise, synchronously, to a new and unusual model of parodic speech.

Author Biography

Joaquín Chazarreta

Universidad del Cine, Buenos Aires


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