Gabriel (a): excesos lexicales y nuevos sentidos


  • Pedro Artieda Santacruz


Ecuador, novel, sexual diversity, trans, transfemenino, queer, masculinity, language, lexicons


In his last literary work, Gabriel (a), the Ecuadorian writer Raúl Vallejo (Manta, 1959) takes up one of his great obsessions that has characterized his fi ction since the 90s of the twentieth century: sexual diversity. Once again, he emphasizes the “trans-feminine” desire (men who identify with cultural constructions about the feminine condition), but no longer from the margins, but since the incorporation of this identity in a normed society that resists cultural metamorphosis. Th e tensions, then, remain in eff ect; nevertheless, the destiny for those who escape from heterosexual hegemony is no longer death as it was for centuries, since the fi rst stories of the Conquest. Th e protagonists of the past century, violent or murdered such as the Manuela de José Donoso (Chile) or other trans divas of authors such as Pedro Lemebel (Chile), resignify themselves in Gabriel (a), who forges a relationship with a heterosexual character (Miguel ) which also fractures stereotypes with respect to masculinity. Gabriel (a), a political proposal that proposes to rethink the language that for centuries has excluded lexicons regarding sexual diversity

Author Biography

Pedro Artieda Santacruz

Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador


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