Ponderando distancias entre la sobrevivencia y la existencia.Una reseña de Gabriel(a), novela corta de Raúl Vallejo


  • Michael Handelsman


Ecuador, novel, transsexuality, existence, pluri-national allegory, feel-thinking, other logic


Overall, Gabriel (a) it is the story of a transsexual woman of Quito who falls for a man and dreams of being accepted as a person unqualifi ed and unrestricted. Vallejo takes that dream / desire and turns it into a sort of palimpsest that requires a look capable of contemplating various perspectives and experiences at once, but without losing sight of its uniqueness. In the portrait of Gabriela is exceeded himself and his story does not belong only to her. So, in this review I propose that one possible reading of this work belongs to a tradition of allegorical narrative rooted in the Latin American national romance of the nineteenth century

Author Biography

Michael Handelsman

University of Tennessee


Rojas, Rick and Vanessa Swales. (27 de Septiembre 2019). 18 Transgender Killings Th is

Year Raise Fears of an ‘Epidemic’. En Th e Ney York Times. Tomado: https://www.

nytimes.com/2019/09/27/us/transgender-women-deaths.html (28/11/2019)

Sommer, Doris. 1991. Foundational Fictions. Th e National Romances of Latin America. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Vallejo, Raúl. 2019. Gabriel(a). Bogotá: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial.



