On criminal governance, resilience and comprehensive security strategies


  • Bertha García Gallegos Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador


governance, criminal governance, systemic security management, comprehensive security, resilience, violence prevention at the state and community level


It is about thinking, from a social sciences perspective, about the content and differences between the forms of violence that arise in contexts where criminal economies are prevalent, as well as the pre-social primordial condition of violence. Its control through cultural processes has depended and continues to depend on the possibilities of building agreements and consensus. This article explores the use of the concepts of Governance and Resilience through recent studies on criminal networks. It contrasts the historical experience of violence control, which was predominantly based on military force until the late 20th century, with the more recent developments in constructivist and systemic theories of Security with a social focus. These developments have led to methodologies for building Resilience based on strengthening institutions and social fabric, as proposed by the “Global Initiative against organized crime”.


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Author Biography

Bertha García Gallegos, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador

Doctor in Social Sciences with a specialty in Sociology and Master in Social Sciences. Master in Rural Sociology (CLACSO-CEPES). Professor Emerita of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador.


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How to Cite

García Gallegos, B. (2024). On criminal governance, resilience and comprehensive security strategies. Sociología Y Política HOY, (9), 51–70. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/hoy/article/view/6827