Study of stabilizers in the adobe

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Freddy Leoncio Paredes Avilés
Gloria Magdalena De la Cruz Arce


It has been made adobes with two kinds of soil, Cangahua and clay with the inclusion of different binder materials. The objective is to improve the compression strength of the material, using natural and artificial binders. This research allowed to verify its importance in history of housing development in many places around the world. Regrettably, it has been replaced as a constructive material because of new materials. Some binders used are natural materials like: mountain straw, rice husk, coconut shell fiber. Another non-natural element used is the remaining material of the fuel refining process which is compound by silica and aluminium. It was used in 5, 10, 15, 20% dosages with canguagua and with clay. It determined a new adobes’s resistance. The samples were tested in laboratories of the Faculty of physical science and mathematics engineering at Universidad Central del Ecuador. They were subjected to compressive loads where the results were comparable with the minimum material requirement that standard INEN specify in constructions. The comparative is with hollow cement blocks and ceramic brick. The results show that: Cancagua sample 80% plus 20% of coconut shell fiber (4.9MPa), surpasses the resistance of the hollow cement block type B (4MPa) and brick type E (4MPa).


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How to Cite
Paredes Avilés, F. L., & De la Cruz Arce, G. M. (2017). Study of stabilizers in the adobe. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 3(1), 79–84.
Author Biographies

Freddy Leoncio Paredes Avilés, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Ingeniero Civil; Especialista en Gestión de Proyectos; Magister en Docencia Universitaria; Docente en el Instituto Metropolitano de Diseño; Docente en la Facultad de Arquitectura Universidad Central del Ecuador.

Orcid: 0000-0002-1306-6880

Gloria Magdalena De la Cruz Arce, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Arquitecta. Magister en Docencia Universitaria. Docente en el Instituto Metropolitano de Diseño. Docente en la Facultad de Arquitectura en la Universidad Central del Ecuador.

Orcid: 0000-0002-1441-5173


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