Vitamina "A" y riesgos de teratogenicidad
Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica acerca de los posibles efectos indeseables y/o teratogénicos en general y del tubo neural en particular, que la Vitamina "A" y sus derivados retinoides sintéticos podrían producir, tanto a nivel experimental en animales, como hallazgos yatrogénicos en humanos, cuando mujeres en edad reproductiva o durante la gestación, ingieren altas dosis de vitamina A, debido a una mala prescripción médica o por automedicación.
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3. Teratology Society: "Recommendations for Vitamin A use in pregnancy (position statement)". Teratol, 1987; 35: 269-275.
4. Pinnock C, Alderman Ch P: "The potential for teratogenicity of vitamin A and its congeners". The Medical Journal of Australia, 1992; 157: 804-809.
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6. Laurence KM, Campbell H, James N: "The role o f improvement in maternal diet and Preconceptional Folie Acid .Supplementation in the Prevention of neural Defects. In Dobbing J, eds: "Prevention of Spina Bifida and other Neuronal Tube Defects" London: Academic Press, 1983; 85-106.
7. Godfrey PO, Erickson JD: "Vitamin A and Birth Defects. Continuing Caution is Needed." N. Engl J Med, 1995; 21(333): 1414-1415.
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9. USA: Department o f health and Human Semces, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control. Recommendations for the use of folie acid to reduce the number o f cases o f spine bifida and other neural tube defects. MMWR, 1 9 92;41:1-7.
10. Pérez-Escamilla R: " Periconcéptional Folie Acid and Neural Tube Defects: Public Health Issues". Bulletin od PAHO, 1995;. 29(3): 250-259.
11. Rothman K, Moore L, Singer M, et al. "Teratogenicity of High Vitamin A Intake". N Engl J Med, 1995; 21(333): 1369-1373.
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15. Gillberg Ch, Wahlstrom J, Johansson R, et al: "Folie Acid as an adjunct in the treatment o f children with the autism fragile-X syndroffie :(ApRAX)". Developmental Mediciñe árid Child Ñeurology, 1986; 28: 624-627.
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24. Geeleñ JA: "Hypervitaminosis A induced teratogenesis. CRC; Crit Rev Toxicol, 1979; 6: 351-375.
25. Jarvis BL, Johnston MC, Sulick KK: "Congenital malformations of the external middle an inner earproduced by isotretionin exposure in mouse embryos". Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 1990; 102: 391-401.
26. Da Costa D, de Fária G, Dias J, Bariani R: Acao Teratogena de Hipervitaminose A, com especial enfase sobre o globo ocular erri ratos". Revista Goiana de Medicina, 1991; 37: 15-22.
27. Brentegani L, Sala M, Lopes R: "Estudio morfométrico y estereólógico de las alteraciones provocadas por hipervitaminosis A eb la glándula submandibular del hámster". Rev Fac Farm Odont Rib Preto, 1987; 144-147.
28. ILADIBA: "Exceso de vitamina A se asocia con desarrollo de de defectos congénitos", 1995; 63.
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33. Stem RS: "When a uniquely effective drug is teratogenic. The case o f isotretionin". N Engl J Med, 1989; 320: 1007-10Ó9.
34. Alarcón M, Jonckree M, Sánchez de Molina D, cois: "Modificaciones dél Metabolismo proteico en la hipervitaminosis A aguda, en ratas". Acta Cient, 1986; 37(2): 162-169.
35. Nelsoñ M: (editorial). "Vitamina A liver consumption and risk of birth defecls". BMJ, 1990; 301: 1176.
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37. Lammer EJ: "Embryóphathy in an infant conserved oné year after termination of maternal etretinate". Lancet 1988; 2: 1080-1081.
38. Martiñez-Frias ML, Salvador J: "Epidemiological aspeets o f prenatal exposure to high doses of Vitamin A in Spain". Eur J Epidemiol, 1990; 6: 118-123.
39. Werler MM, Lammer EJ, Rosenberg, L, Mitchel AA: "Maternal vitamin A supplementation in relation to selected birth defects". Teratology, 1990; 42: 497-503.
40. Choo V: "High-dose retinol associated with birth defects". Lancet, 1995; 36: 1027.