Arbitration system

Selection Process and Peer Review

Manuscripts should be submitted through the Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Quito) website: link, where you must register with a username and password.

Upon receipt of the manuscript, the corresponding author will automatically receive confirmation of the manuscript submission and registration for tracking purposes.

The evaluation process involves three stages: a primary review by the editor; a second review by the section editor(s); and a third double-blind peer review (Each of these stages will take a maximum of 30 business days.) At these stages, the manuscript may be classified as:

  • Subject to changes, implying that for final acceptance, the author(s) must make modifications according to suggestions and/or recommendations made by the editors/reviewers.
  • Not accepted: A manuscript with this classification may restart the approval process at the Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Quito) if the observed deficiencies are corrected. The Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Quito) and its Editorial Committee (Director, Executive Editor, and Committee members) reserve the right to NOT accept articles judged inappropriate, at any stage of the review process, based on observations and recommendations issued by the editorial board.
  • Accepted: A manuscript classified as such is considered valid for publication and may begin the typesetting and digital printing process. Each accepted manuscript will be handled directly by the journal's staff (editors and layout designers), who may introduce style and format modifications, as well as modify and/or shorten the texts when deemed necessary, while respecting the main and most relevant aspects of the original document. This process will take a maximun of 30 business days.

Previously published works or those simultaneously submitted to other scientific journals will not be accepted.

Peer Review

For the peer review process, the Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Quito) collaborates with national and international specialists from different specialties.

After the primary review, a minimum of 2 specialized reviewers will be assigned, who will issue their report and may make annotations they deem appropriate in the text; at this stage, the confidentiality and anonymity of authors and reviewers (double-blind modality) will be guaranteed.

Reviewers will adhere to the "COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers" (COPE, 201), in order to comply with ethical aspects of the peer review process.

The Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Quito) reserves the right to reject a manuscript if, after three (3) months from the date of sending the reviewers' observations and comments, the authors have not responded or sent the corrected manuscript.