Síndrome de burnout en médicos de cuidados críticos: una alarma de agotamiento emocional y psicopatía
burnout syndrome, Burnout, Prevalence intensive care, Emergency, PsychopathyAbstract
Context: work-related stress is a recognized issue for healthcare workers, and medical doctors have always been considered a high risk group for this problem. Medical doctors employed in critical areas regularly work in demanding technical surroundings, where death is a common event, and mistakes may occur. No studies regarding professional Burnout have been carried out on Ecuadorian medical doctor working in critical caremedicine of emergency rooms. We started this study to understand the prevalence of Burnout syndrome, of work-related stress issues and of psychological welfare for medical staff working in the main critical fields Methods: descriptive, cross-sectional study between doctors working in intensive care units and emergency rooms of the main hospitals in the comprehensive public health network of the metropolitan district of Quito, during June 1, 2015 to August 1, 2015. Results: Data of 289 professionals working in "Intensive Care" (n = 120; 41.5%) and "Emergency" (n = 169; 58.5%), fields was gathered. The general prevalence of Burnout syndrome was 10.4% defined as the systematic fulfillment of the three assessment criteria in Maslach scale of stress. Intensive care workers were predominant in the category of "emotional burnout", "depersonalization" and "personal fulfillment" without reaching statistical significance. No intensive care field was found as a risk factor for development of Burnout syndrome (OR: 0.68; 95% CI 0.29 - 1.48; p = 0.34). 6.2% of the surveyed medical doctor (n = 18) obtained scores higher than
7 points, which indicate psychopathology, 9.7% (n = 28) obtained score between 5 and 6 points, which lead to suspicions of sub-threshold psychopathology; and finally, a majority with 84.1% medical doctor obtained scores of 0-4, which indicate the absence of psychopathology.
Conclusions: Medical doctor working in intensive care and emergency fields are equally at risk to suffer from Burnout syndrome, since both work branches are considered as critical care fields. We can link young medical staff working at intensive care and emergency fields, resident doctors or young medical doctor who work more hours per week, as the most at-risk population of chronic Burnout
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