¿Las infecciones respiratorias virales agudas causan mayor ausentismo laboral? un análisis en la planta pasteurizadora Quito


  • Jorge Aurelio Albán Villacís Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito-Ecuador
  • Luis Miguel Vázquez Palma Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial, Quito-Ecuador




acute viral upper respiratory tract infections, work environment, work absenteism


Context: Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) affect every worker, irrespective of age, sex, years of work or place of production. Its frequency ranges from 1 to 3 episodes per year; the incidence is annual with outbreaks that coincide with the winter season.
Material and methods: quantitative, epidemiological, descriptive and transversal research in a population of 80 workers from the production area.
Results: 90% of workers are in productive age (18 to 50 years), all are men, 65% have a work age between 0 and 5 years; 17.5% report respiratory pathological history and 77.5% of employees are concentrated in the sub-area of packaging of UHT and sheath. 82.5% presented IRAs, 53.8% reported between 1 and 3 episodes in 2014. The duration of URTI was 1 to 3 days in 52.5% of workers, with chronic manifestations occurs in 10% of the workers. The illness caused 1 to 3 days absenteeism in 10% of workers. In the production sub-area there is absenteeism from 1 to 3%, and it is determined that in global absenteeism, 13% is due to other medical causes


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Author Biography

Jorge Aurelio Albán Villacís, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito-Ecuador

Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito-Ecuador


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How to Cite

Albán Villacís JA, Vázquez Palma LM. ¿Las infecciones respiratorias virales agudas causan mayor ausentismo laboral? un análisis en la planta pasteurizadora Quito. Rev Fac Cien Med (Quito) [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];42(1):103-7. Available from: https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/CIENCIAS_MEDICAS/article/view/1529